Cloninger’s Marketplace

Cloninger’s Marketplace

The Store Director, Rich, began his journey with URM in 1998 but the store has been with URM for over 50 years! Rich began as a box boy at the age of 14, went to college, and then was offered a position at the store by the owner, Jerry! One of Rich’s favorite parts of working at Clongingers is the creativity and independence to select products for the store – it’s fun to provide new things for the customers! When it comes to their town, fly fishing is a huge draw – people love to fish here! One of our best products is the Wide Awake Coffee (French Roast) – it has a fantastic flavor at half the price of leading coffee brands. The community is vital to their operations and they are always looking for ways to give back. When the fires happened 2 years ago, Jerry provided hundreds of dollars in gift cards to people who lost their homes. When it comes to the community, they want their customers to know they care! 

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